Tuesday, July 26, 2011

C# developer interview questions

The C# keyword ‘int’ maps to which .NET type?
  1. System.Int16
  2. System.Int32
  3. System.Int64
  4. System.Int128
2) Which of these string definitions will prevent escaping on backslashes in C#?
  1. string s = #”n Test string”;
  2. string s = “’n Test string”;
  3. string s = @”n Test string”;
  4. string s = “n Test string”;
3) Which of these statements correctly declares a two-dimensional array in C#?
  1. int[,] myArray;
  2. int[][] myArray;
  3. int[2] myArray;
  4. System.Array[2] myArray;
4) If a method is marked as protected internal who can access it?
  1. Classes that are both in the same assembly and derived from the declaring class.
  2. Only methods that are in the same class as the method in question.
  3. Internal methods can be only be called using reflection.
  4. Classes within the same assembly, and classes derived from the declaring class.
5) What is boxing?
a) Encapsulating an object in a value type.
b) Encapsulating a copy of an object in a value type.
c) Encapsulating a value type in an object.
d) Encapsulating a copy of a value type in an object.
6) What compiler switch creates an xml file from the xml comments in the files in an assembly?
  1. /text
  2. /doc
  3. /xml
  4. /help
7) What is a satellite Assembly?
  1. A peripheral assembly designed to monitor permissions requests from an application.
  2. Any DLL file used by an EXE file.
  3. An assembly containing localized resources for another assembly.
  4. An assembly designed to alter the appearance or ‘skin’ of an application.
8) What is a delegate?
  1. A strongly typed function pointer.
  2. A light weight thread or process that can call a single method.
  3. A reference to an object in a different process.
  4. An inter-process message channel.
9) How does assembly versioning in .NET prevent DLL Hell?
  1. The runtime checks to see that only one version of an assembly is on the machine at any one time.
  2. .NET allows assemblies to specify the name AND the version of any assemblies they need to run.
  3. The compiler offers compile time checking for backward compatibility.
  4. It doesn’t.
10) Which “Gang of Four” design pattern is shown below?
public class A {
    private A instance;
    private A() {
 A Instance
            if ( A == null )
                A = new A();
            return instance;
  1. Factory
  2. Abstract Factory
  3. Singleton
  4. Builder
11) In the NUnit test framework, which attribute must adorn a test class in order for it to be picked up by the NUnit GUI?
  1. TestAttribute
  2. TestClassAttribute
  3. TestFixtureAttribute
  4. NUnitTestClassAttribute
12) Which of the following operations can you NOT perform on an ADO.NET DataSet?
  1. A DataSet can be synchronised with the database.
  2. A DataSet can be synchronised with a RecordSet.
  3. A DataSet can be converted to XML.
  4. You can infer the schema from a DataSet.
13) In Object Oriented Programming, how would you describe encapsulation?
  1. The conversion of one type of object to another.
  2. The runtime resolution of method calls.
  3. The exposition of data.
  4. The separation of interface and implementation.

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