Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Goals- I

Get Your Foot In The Door

You've done everything humanly possibly to get your foot in the door but nothing seems to work. You still haven't received a call back on that resume you sent to your dream job. You have all the skills necessary for the position. Your resume is pristine. What could possibly be wrong? There are many things to look at when it seems that you continually get passed over for jobs that you are qualified for. You need to also take action to ensure that next time you present your resume, you get noticed. The following steps will assist you in that process.


You've checked your resume for errors and none exist. You are certain you have all of the qualifications for the job.

The next step to take is to make certain that your resume contains keywords that the employer may be looking for. Yes, that is right keywords. Frequently employers scan resumes for "keywords" to quickly weed out those individuals that might not have the experience they are looking for.

Keywords are often items that are included in advertisements for a certain position. They may also be items that are located in the job description for the position. Do your homework, what the employer has posted as a job description for this job, and what advertisements may have been released. Incorporate those words into your resume if you haven't already.

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