Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Interview Skills- III

Answer Their Questions Well

During an interview, you will present yourself well if you answer the questions completely and concisely (nodding or grunting "yes" and "no" to questions, or rambling for a half hour when asked about your experience are both equally bad). Instead, well thought out answers that demonstrate your skill and strengths as they relate to the position you are interviewing for will come across much more favorably.

Be as positive as possible during the interview. Do NOT speak negatively of a former employer, even if they are the worst possible, since this will be considered a problem area with you, or a bad attitude.

Use concrete examples of problem -solving and strengths when answering questions (see article on "Know Your Strengths" for more information). Highlight these strengths in the interview.

The interviewers will be asking specific questions about your abilities, knowledge, and skills. Try to answer each question, sharing your strengths that would be useful for the position being considered. If you are unsure of the answer let the recruiter or employer know how you would go about finding the answer (this could demonstrate your problem solving skills). 

Be honest, and NEVER lie or try to avoid answering. Do NOT say, "You can find that on my resume" since they are interested in YOU and how you interact with others, and your personal knowledge base. They can read the resume later. But do make sure that all information on your resume is correct, since the company will check on references, dates and job information.

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