Sunday, May 22, 2011

Interview Tips for Freshers

Interview Tips for Freshers

The interview tips for freshers are basically some suggestions and advices that are provided to the job seekers who are going to appear for an interview for the first time in their professional lives. These suggestions are available on the popular posts segment of this web page (Do's & Don'ts .....)

Importance of Interview Tips for Freshers

The job interviews are of utmost importance for the job aspirants, especially if they are taking their first steps in this regard. A good interview can make or break the confidence of the job seeker and this is where the good suggestions come in handy.

Interview Tips for Freshers before Interview

One of the first things a fresher should do before an interview is to do extensive research of the company. The freshers should also be punctual and reach, preferably, before time for the interview. This always makes a good impression on the minds of the interviewers. It is also advisable that the job aspirants practice their interviews time and again before appearing for the actual one.

Interview Tips for Freshers during Interview

During the interview the job seekers should put up a smiling face as employers always like people with vibrant personalities. They should also shake the hands of the interviewers in a firm way. They should also talk eye to eye with the interviewers. They should speak clearly as any way else would show the interviewer that the interviewee is lacking in confidence. They should also be responsive to the interviewers. They need to avoid being overzealous with their answers, which should be precise and delivered only when a question has been asked. The application forms should be completed properly. The job seeker should also ask some questions to the interviewer and then thank that individual when the process comes to a close.

Things to Avoid

The freshers should refrain from being dishonest about themselves in the interviews. They should also not be chewing gums when they give an interview. Even if the interviewer offers them a cigarette they should be refusing it. They should be confident with their answers and should not say no to a job that is offered to them.

Listed below are a few do's and dont's for the interviews. Let me brief you as what the person sitting in front of you would expect.

1) Your body language should assure your interviewer that you are cool and confident.
Keep a real cool head and don't go into the room with the mindset that the interview is the end of your life. Being extra cautious would make you look like nervous. Think that the person in front of you is as kind as your gentle professor.

2) Listen carefully and then answer
Don't rush up with your answers even before the question is uttered fully. Listen carefully and you may even request clarification on the question if you really want. If you make the person feel that you are listening carefully the answer is half done!

3) Give Answers following a top down approach
Do not start with a detailed answer describing each and every detail. But your interviewer may not have time to listen to a real long answer. Instead start with the objective of the project first. If he waits for more answers go ahead with an overview of the components involved in the project. Generally the interviewer would only want the above two answers. You may go for a detailed answer only if he expects the same.

I may write further based on the responses to this post. However if you would wish to raise specific questions you can do so by visiting Follow By E-mail section.

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